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Powershell Unit test cases

I have a command in powershell and I am calling same command two times and I am expecting first time it will return a value and second time it will throw a error , any idea how to test this block of code? how can I provide multiple implementation for my mock command?

      Write-output "hello world"
throw "failed to print"

try {
     write-output "hello world"
throw "failed to print hello world"


  • You could add some logic to the Mock so that it checks whether it had been executed previously and then behaves differently as a result.

    The below Pester checks that the script threw the exact error message we expected, and also checks that Write-Output was invoked twice:

    Function YourCode {
              Write-output "hello world"
            throw "failed to print"
        try {
             write-output "hello world"
            throw "failed to print hello world"
    Describe 'YourCode Tests' {
        $Script:MockExecuted = $false
        Mock Write-Output {
            if ($Script:MockExecuted) {
            else {
                $Script:MockExecuted = $true
        It 'Should throw "failed to print hello world"' {
            { YourCode } | Should -Throw 'failed to print hello world'
        It 'Should have called write-output 2 times' {
            Assert-MockCalled Write-Output -Times 2 -Exactly

    Note I wrapped your code in a function so that it could be called inside a scriptblock to check for the Throw, but this could just as easily be done by dot sourcing a script at this point