I receive a dynamic string from a web service and it contains numbers and characters.
Distance is 5000 mph
Arrival in 2 hours & 40 minutes
I want a different color - fontype - size for both the numbers and the charcters.
I know how to use Spannable
for a string, but I must know the start and end index for each which I don't because the string is dynamic.!
Is there a way to achieve this?
Here you can use the below code to find out all the numbers from your string in an array and by using it you can customize it-
private fun getNumbers(string:String){
val p = Pattern.compile("-?\\d+(,\\d+)*?\\.?\\d+?")
val numbers: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()
val m: Matcher =
while (m.find()) {
If the string is Arrival in 2 hours & 40 minutes then this function will return you - [2,40] as the end result.