I have a view with StartFlowMixin
, it contains a form - user posts the form and a workflow starts. That works fine currently, but I need to introduce a dropdown in the form with 4 options - based on the selection in that dropdown I need to run a different flow.
E.g. the dropdown contains options like Apply for position A
, Apply for position B
, etc. Based on the selection the applicant needs to enter different information and different people need to approve the application.
How can I do this? One option would be to have a single workflow with a lot of ifs, but I don't like that.
The core of the BPMN approach for business process modeling is to record every user's decisions.
You could use flow.Switch for that case - http://docs.viewflow.io/viewflow_core_node.html#viewflow.nodes.Switch
Or you could use your own view, that would call required flow.StartFunction, to start actual flow - http://docs.viewflow.io/viewflow_core_node.html#viewflow.nodes.StartFunction