As frequent GIT user, I love git log --graph
as much as I love git tag
. I was made responsible for a large GIT repository with too many branches and tags and I am proceeding too slowly with the sisyphusian work of reducing those numbers.
It would be extremely helpful is to have a tag tree graph, just like a usual commit graph, but only with those branches which have tags on it. I would also need the hash of each tagged commit (and ideally also the time-stamp and author).
I searched a lot, but I never found anything like what I described.
As Amadan pointed out, I should have dived deeper into the git-log documentation in the most recent version. The solution is simply to include the --simplify-by-decoration
flag. Altogether, I ended up with the following
git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %ad %an%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=short
The official formatting documentation explains all the details of --pretty=format:'...'
, the most important parts are
= abbreviated commit hash%an
= author name%ad
= author date %s
= subjectIf want something to memorize, just use
git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration
This gives you an output without of commit hash and git-tag only.