Today I've found the Disassembler IL between the tools provided with VS2008. I tried to disassemble a program and give a look to the result. Opcodes weren't so hard to understand but one thing surprised me: the .NET is stack based?! Reading "Write great code, volume II" I didn't get a good picture of stack based machines because they're quite slow. They're easy to implement, too but I don't think MS devs chose this approach because of its simplicity, after all that code has to be translated into real machine code so they would just move the problem.
Can any of you explain this strange choice?
I post here what I read about this topic:
13.1.1 Stack-Based Machines Stack-based machines use memory for most calculations, employing a stack in memory to hold all operands and results. Computer systems employing a stack architecture offer some important advantages over other architectures:
Unfortunately, stack machines also suffer from some serious disadvantages:
- The instructions are often smaller (each consuming fewer bytes) than those found in other architectures because the instructions generally don’t have to specify any operands.
- It is generally easier to write compilers for stack architectures than for other machines because converting arithmetic expressions to a sequence of stack operations is very easy.
- Temporary variables are rarely needed in a stack architecture, because the stack itself serves that purpose.
A stack is a data structure that allows operations only on a few limited elements of the stack (often called the top of stack and next on stack). With a stack you generally do one of three things: push new data onto the stack, pop data from the stack, or operate on the data that is currently sitting on the top of the stack (and possibly the data immediately below it).
- Almost every instruction references memory (which is slow on modern machines). Though caches can help mitigate this problem, memory performance is still a major problem on stack machines.
- Even though conversion from HLLs to a stack machine is very easy, there is less opportunity for optimization than there is with other architectures.
- Because stack machines are constantly accessing the same data elements (that is, data on the top of the stack), pipelining and instruction parallelism is difficult to achieve (see Write Great Code, Volume 1 for details on pipelining and instruction parallelism).
and Real-World Stack Machines
A big advantage of the stack architecture is that it is easy to write a compiler for such a machine. It’s also very easy to write an emulator for a stack-based machine. For these reasons, stack architectures are popular in virtual machines (VMs) such as the Java Virtual Machine and the Microsoft Visual Basic p-code interpreter. A few real-world stack-based CPUs do exist, such as a hardware implementation of the Java VM; however, they are not very popular because of the performance limitations of memory access. Nonetheless, understanding the basics of a stack architecture is important because many compilers translate HLL source code into a stack-based form prior to translating to actual machine code. Indeed, in the worst case (though rare), compilers are forced to emit code that emulates a stack-based machine when compiling complex arithmetic expressions.
EDIT: I've just found an article in @EricLippert's blog answering the question and confirming @Aaron's answer
Keep in mind that just because the intermediate representation is stack-based it doesn't mean the generated machine code is stack-based. As the code is converted from the intermediate form to machine code it's basically recompiled - allowing for local optimizations.
Once nice thing about using a stack-based intermediate representation is that you're not tied to any specific architecture.
Imagine if they had decided to use a theoretical register-based system as their intermediate form. How many registers should they pick? 8? 16? 64? If your target processor has more actual registers than the intermediate form then you've lost out on possible optimizations. If your target has less actual registers than the intermediate then your optimizations are counter-productive because those registers are flushed to memory anyway.
Even on current CPUs you've got a big difference compiling down to x86 vs x64 - not to mention alternate architectures (ARM) or future architectures.
For something like this it's good that they kept it in the simplest form and then rely on optimization during final code generation to match it to the actual hardware.