I am trying to Creating New Liquibase Projects with Oracle 12c database.My oracle database is located on a remote server.This is my changelog for my project and it is saved as dbchangelog.xml on my machine where Liquibase is running
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="1" author="bob">
<createTable tableName="department">
<column name="id" type="int">
<constraints primaryKey="true" nullable="false"/>
<column name="name" type="varchar(50)">
<constraints nullable="false"/>
<column name="active" type="boolean"
The liquibase.properties file is saved as follows
changeLogFile: /home/dbchangelog.xml
url : jdbc:oracle:thin:@<oracle_db_ip>:1521/ORCLDB
username : <user>
password : <password>
driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
classpath: /home/ojdbc6.jar
Do i need to keep tnsname.ora
on my machine where liquibase is running? if yes where should i keep it ??
Liquibase uses jdbc API, so you don't need tnsname.ora
, neither oracle client on your machine. ORA-12514
means that ORCLDB
is probably wrong.
You can find the SID using this query:
select instance from v$thread