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Using Vuex state in computed property to open modal, changes are ignored, modal stays closed

I have the following code to dynamically add modal states to the Vuex store and trigger them troughout my whole application. Even though the state changes, when I press a button which dispatches the toggle action, the modal stays hidden. (using quasar framework for components)


  <q-dialog v-model="status" persistent>
      <q-card-actions align="right">
        <q-btn flat label="Abbrechen" color="dark" v-close-popup />

  import modal from '../../mixins/modal'

  export default {
    name: 'DiscardSession',
    mixins: [modal]

<style scoped>


export default {
  beforeCreate () {
    console.log('define modal')
    this.$store.dispatch('modal/define', this.$
  computed: {
    status: {
      get () {
        console.log('getter triggered')
        return this.$store.getters['modal/status'][this.$]
      set () {
        console.log('setter triggered')
        this.$store.dispatch('modal/toggle', this.$


export default {
  namespaced: true,
  state: {
    status: {}
  getters: {
    status (state) {
      return state.status
  mutations: {
    DEFINE_STATUS (state, name) {
      state.status[name] = false
    TOGGLE_STATUS (state, name) {
      state.status[name] = !state.status[name]
  actions: {
    define ({ commit, state}, name) {
      if (!(name in state.status)) commit('DEFINE_STATUS', name)
    toggle ({ commit, state }, name) {
      commit('TOGGLE_STATUS', name)


  • It might be a reactivity problem. Can you try the following code?

    TOGGLE_STATUS (state, name) {
      state.status = {
        [name]: !state.status[name]