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How to get UTF8 html using msxsl.exe in windows 10

I am using msxsl.exe to generate HTML file dynamically from an XML and XSL. I have written the code in C++ using CreateProcess API and calling msxsl.exe in that. Since the output was UTF8 in Windows 7, I created all associated files(like CSS and JavaScript) in same encoding. Everything was working fine. When I am running the same application in Windows 10 (LTSC), the JavaScript was not loaded as the HTML is now generated with UCS-2LE BOM encoding. I tried calling SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8) just before creating the process. This didn't solved my issue. How could I get the UTF8 output irrespective of the OS?


  • HTML files accept JavaScript with same encoding as the HTML file itself. This is the default behavior. When using JavaScript with another encoding, the charset attribute of <script> tag can be used(HTML script charset Attribute).

    So adding charset attribute like shown below I could fix the type of JavaScript in all OS, irrespective of the HTML encoding.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="MyJavaScript.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>