I'm thinking specifically of the Strategy pattern (Design Patterns, GoF94), where it is suggested that the context passed to the strategy constructor can be the object which contains the strategy (as a member) itself. But the following won't work:
class StrategyBase;
class Strategy1;
class Strategy2;
class Analysis
void ChooseStrategy();
StrategyBase* _s;
void Analysis::ChooseStrategy()
if (...) _s = new Strategy1(this);
else if (...) _s = new Strategy2(this);
#include analysis.h
and then StrategyBase and its subclasses then access the data members of Analysis.
This won't work because you can't instantiate Strategy* classes before they've been defined. But its definition depends on that of Analysis. So how are you supposed to do this? Replace ChooseStrategy with
void SetStrategy(StrategyBase* s) { _s = s; }
and do the instantiation in files which #include both analysis.h and strategy.h? What's best practice here?
also needs to include strategy.h
to pick up the full definitions of the strategies. Since it's a source file there's no circular dependency.