I have an OpenAPI 3.0 file that specifies two REST resources with operations, let's say:
openapi: 3.0.0
Then I use the openapi-generator-maven-plugin
To generate Java interfaces, giving me:
public interface AApi {
default Optional<NativeWebRequest> getRequest() {
return Optional.empty();
default ResponseEntity<String> postA([...]) { [...] }
public interface BApi {
default Optional<NativeWebRequest> getRequest() {
return Optional.empty();
default ResponseEntity<String> postB([...]) { [...] }
In the end, I would like to write a single class that implements both interfaces:
class TheController implements AApi, BApi { [...] }
However, the getRequest()
method gets in the way, because Java is unable to inherit two default implementations with identical names.
Is there a way to suppress generating this method? (Or some other means to enable implementing both interfaces, that I haven't thought of?)
You can override the getRequest()
method in your implementing controller class.
For further reading, refer to https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-8.html#jls-