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Send a Discord Embed via Webhook C#

I have this code that I want to send to a discord webhook via an embedded message:

var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

builder.WithTitle("Ice Wizard Stats");
builder.AddField("Hit Speed", "1.5sec", true); // True for inline

How am I supposed to send that?


  • public class dWebHook: IDisposable
            private readonly WebClient dWebClient;
            private static NameValueCollection discord = new NameValueCollection();
            public string WebHook { get; set;}
            public string UserName { get; set; }
            public string ProfilePicture { get; set;}
            public dWebHook()
                dWebClient = new WebClient();
            public void SendMessage(string msgSend)
                discord.Add("username", UserName);
                discord.Add("avatar_url", ProfilePicture);
                discord.Add("content", msgSend);
                dWebClient.UploadValues(WebHook, discord);
            public void Dispose()

    I think this is what you are looking for