I have these tables
PUBRED (cod_pub, title, year, type, medium)
AUTHOR (login, name, surname, institution, country)
AUTHOR_ONE (login, cod_pub)
PUB_CITA (cod_pub, cod_pub_cited)
And I have to get that citations to a publication should always be after it
I have the following trigger but it gives me compilation errors and I don't find any errors looking in other questions
Create or replace trigger works_trg_02
Before insert or update on pub_cita
For each row
Cnt number;
Select count (*) into cnt
from pubred pr
inner join pub_cita pc
on :new.pc.cod_pub = pr.cod_pub
inner join pubred pr2
on :new.pc.cod_pub_cited = pr2.cod_pub
where pr.year < pr2.year then 1
Else 0 end = 0;
If cnt <> 0 then
Raise_application_error ('-20001', 'Not possible');
End if;
End works_trg_02;
I get the typical error from 'ORA-24344: success with compilation error'
And when doing the inserts to prove it I get 'ORA-04098: trigger 'FIDDLE_WIXYFBGEUZDXILZQBEGR.WORKS_TRG_02' is invalid and failed re-validation'
I have searched other similar questions that have been asked around here adapting my initial solution and I have not been successful and I believe that everything there is is correct.
First, when you get ORA-24344: success with compilation error
, you should run show errors
, or query the user_errors
or all_errors
views to find your actual error message.
Second, this is wrong: :new.pc.cod_pub
. The :new
variable is a record
, the row of the table (pub_cita
) currently being inserted. You can just say :new.cod_pub
Third, a trigger can't query its own table - so you can't have pub_cita
in your SELECT query. Which is fine, you can refer to it using :new
Fourth, what is this?
where pr.year < pr2.year then 1
Else 0 end = 0;
I think you started a CASE
statement, then deleted part of it? It's not valid syntax.
See if this works for you:
Create or replace trigger works_trg_02
Before insert or update on pub_cita
For each row
Cnt number;
Select count (*) into cnt
from pubred pr
inner join pubred pr2
on :new.cod_pub_cited = pr2.cod_pub
where pr.year < pr2.year
and pr.cod_pub = :new.cod_pub
If cnt <> 0 then
Raise_application_error ('-20001', 'Not possible');
End if;
End works_trg_02;