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algorithm for finding minimum number of coins for a given large sum

I just wanted to know if there is any efficient and optimal algorithm for the classical problem of finding the minimum number of coins that sum up to a number S where S can be very large (up to 10^16). In this case, the coins are (2, 5, 10). The DP solution is not efficient enough in this case, so I wondered if a greedy approach may work on this specific set of coins but I am not sure.

Thank you!


  • In order to minimize the number of coins we trivially notice that to get to 20, we need two 10-coins. (and no 2-coins nor 5-coins).

    More generally to get close to 10k (with k a multiple of 10), we just need 10-coins.

    Now for sums which are not multiple of 10, we may want to use a maximum of 10-coins. Say S = 10k + 2. The minimum of coins is k+1. (k 10-coins, and one 2-coin).

    So the goal is to get find (k,r), such that S = 10k +r, (r < 10).

    We trivially do so by usage of % operator.

    r = S % 10
    k = S - S % 10

    Now find all combination needed for 2-coins and 5-coins for every r

    1=5+2+2+2 (%10)
    3=5+2+2+2+2 (%10)

    I put 1 and 3 cases at the bottom because they are special cases.

    To reach 21, we need to go up to 10, then make 11 (5+2+2+2)

    Same holds for 23 we can't go to 20, we need to go to 10, then make 13 (with 5+2+2+2).

    The key point being to make a sum with a combination of a 2-coins and b 5-coins such that 2a + 5b = r % 10


    • for S%10=r not in {1, 3}, get to (S - (S%10))=10k with k 10-coins and complete
    • Otherwise to (S - 10 - S%10)=10(k-1) with k-1 10-coins and complete

    Final note as noticed by @Iłya Bursov we can't make it for S=1 or S=3.

    All others S can be reached.