I have seen that many projects that accept PayPal donation have a donation from with a new design, which looks like this:
And its URL is like:
But I could not find how to set up such donation form.
The "Create Button" tool create a code that shows a form with the classic design:
And its URL is like:
How do I create a Donation buttons that link to the new design form? Is there a special variable that I can add to the button code to make it link to the new design form?
(Note that I do not have a PayPal Business account – in case it is relevant.)
PayPal controls which page style they display; you do not.
The type of account you have, and the country of that account, and the country and user agent (desktop vs. mobile) of the person clicking the button, are all relevant to which server PayPal routes the request to and which page style they display.