How can I import a selected presentation from a particular folder?
Below are the code which I tried but it is importing all the presentations which are stored in a particular folder.
Sub Merge()
' After doing the merge, open presentation #1
' Then run this code:
Dim sPath As String
Dim cFileNames As New Collection
Dim sTemp As String
Dim x As Long
sPath = CurDir ' by default
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
sPath = InputBox("Path to PPT files (ex: c:\my documents\", _
"Where are the files?", sPath)
If sPath = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
sTemp = Dir(sPath & "*.pptx")
While sTemp <> ""
With cFileNames
.Add (sPath & sTemp)
End With
sTemp = Dir
If cFileNames.Count > 1 Then
' open the first file
Presentations.Open (cFileNames(1))
' Insert the other files
For x = 2 To cFileNames.Count
Call ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile( _
cFileNames(x), _
End If
End Sub
For example. I have 10 presentations in XYZ folder but want to import only four selected presentations.
This should do it:
Sub Merge()
Dim sPath As String
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim x As Integer
Dim vrtSelectedItem As Variant
'Set path to current directory
sPath = CurDir
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
'Set File Picker dialog
Set dlgOpen = Application.FileDialog(Type:=msoFileDialogFilePicker)
'Set initial path and view, set multiselect capability
With dlgOpen
.InitialFileName = sPath
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
.AllowMultiSelect = True
'If user click on OK, insert selected files after last slide of current presentation
If .Show = -1 And .SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
For x = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
ActivePresentation.Slides.InsertFromFile .SelectedItems(x), ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
'User Cancelled
End If
End With
End Sub