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Abstract classes and constructor

we are trying to implmenent a solution with abstract superclass in C++: Control is the super class of Spline and others. Now when we try to instantiate an object of type Spline the instantiation fails with two errors:

  1. cannot find method with matching parameters for the constructor of class Spline
  2. cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'Control'

How can we fix those issues?

Instantiate Spline of type Control and use it in main:

RampFunction timeRampFn{0, 100, 2000, 1000};
RampFunction distanceRampFn{0, 0, 0.5f, 1000};

Control ctrl = new Spline(slowDownCoeff, timeRampFn, distanceRampFn);

ctrl.calculateAction(&newRobotState, p_0, p_t, targetTrack, timeFromStart, distanceToTarget);

Control.hpp (abstract super class):


#include <vector>
#include <Data/Track.h>
#include <Data/TrackPoint.h>
#include <Data/RobotState.h>
#include <boost/multiprecision/eigen.hpp>

using Eigen::Vector2f;
using namespace std;

class Control
const float FUTURE_INTERVAL = 0.1f;

const int FUTURE_SIZE = 10;

virtual void calculateAction(RobotState *state, Vector2f curPos, Vector2f refPos, Track targetTrack, float timeFromStart, float distanceToTarget) = 0;



#ifndef SPLINE_HPP
#define SPLINE_HPP

#include <Control/Control.hpp>

using Eigen::Vector2f;
using namespace std;

class Spline : Control
struct RampFunction
    float x_0, val_0;
    float x_e, val_e;
float slowDownCoeff;
RampFunction timeRampFn;
RampFunction distanceRampFn;

Spline(float slowDownCoeff, RampFunction timeRampFn, RampFunction distanceRampFn)
    this->slowDownCoeff = slowDownCoeff;
    this->timeRampFn = timeRampFn;
    this->distanceRampFn = distanceRampFn;
virtual void calculateAction(RobotState *state, Vector2f curPos, Vector2f refPos, Track targetTrack, float timeFromStart, float distanceToTarget);



  • Control ctrl = ...

    You have created a variable of type Control. This is not allowed because Control is an abstract type. This is why you get the error cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'Control'.

    Another problem would be that Control doesn't have a constructor that would take an argument of type Spline*.

    What you may have been trying to do is to create a base pointer to the derived object: Control* ctrl = .... However, this would make deleting the dynamic allocation problematic, since you aren't allowed to delete through the base pointer because the destructor of the base is non-virtual. A solution is to declare the destructor virtual.

    But simply making deletion allowed is not sufficient. You should actually perform the deletion or else the memory may leak.