I made an app where a user can store data specific to its personal use case/environment. I currently set up my user with the devise gem. A user has a enum role: [:owner, :admin, :employee]
Now I would to create the possibility where a user can have 30 days access to the app (e.g. for a demo), where:
How to best set this up (in a Rails way)?
I though about just adding a role and creating the logic for deletion etc. in my model, but this does not seem the most neat way to do it.
If you haven't generated the devise sessions controller, then run:
rails generate devise:controllers users -c=sessions
And in your config/routes.rb
file, add:
devise_for :users, controllers: { sessions: 'users/sessions' }
That tells Devise to use the new controller you just generated. Then in your User
model, add a method that tells you whether the user is expired or not:
## app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
ROLES = %i[owner admin employee].freeze
def expired?
return false if ROLES.include? role
(Time.now..30.days.ago) === created_at
I'm assuming you check for demo users by checking their role, and if they're an admin
or employee
they're not a demo user.
Finally in your new sessions controller, you can remove all the methods (this will tell rails to use the devise standard ones), and insert the new create method:
class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
def create
if resource.expired?
flash[:error] = "Your account has expired"
return redirect_to new_user_session_path