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Umbraco - No url found for api name updateCheckApiBaseUrl, (anonymous)@…avascript&cdv=1:740

When publishing the Umbraco site, I get this error, the site works fine, but then when trying to login into the admin panel. The admin panel is almost empty, no text is displayed. only layout color. (But the same admin panel works in a different server just fine.)


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()
No url found for api name updateCheckApiBaseUrl
Possibly unhandled rejection: No url found for api name backOfficeAssetsApiBaseUrl
Possibly unhandled rejection: No url found for api name tourApiBaseUrl
No url found for api name contentApiBaseUrl
Possibly unhandled rejection: No url found for api name sectionApiBaseUrl

enter image description here

And the admin panel looks like this.

enter image description here


  • I had the exact same problem than you and I found a solution on an old Umbraco v4 topic. You simply need to clear your browser cookies.

    The post :