I'm trying to count how many file are very young, young, old and very old in a directory passed by command line. I have some struggle counting the number of file in the directory and then to change the counter in function of the age of the file.
Here is what I did yet:
import sys
import os, os.path
import time
x = 7
file_count = 0
DIR = sys.argv[1]
age = 0
age_sum = 0
nb_vy = 0
nb_y = 0
nb_o = 0
nb_vo = 0
now = time.time()
for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(DIR):
for file in (files):
file_count += 1
# here I want to do some if to add 1 in the counter nb_vy/nb_y/nb_o/nb_vo but I don't know how
age=now - os.stat(os.path.join(root,file)).st_mtime
if now-timedelta(hours=24) <= age <= now :
nb_vy += 1
elif now-timedelta(days=7) <= age :
nb_y += 1
elif now-timedelta(days=30) <= age :
nb_o += 1
nb_vo += 1
except Exception:
print("Filecount = %s" % file_count)
print("Scanned: "+ str(file_count) +" files\n")
print("Average age: "+ str(age/age_sum) + "\n")
print("Very young files (<= 1 day) | "+ str(nb_vy/file_count) +"% (" + str(nb_vy) + ")\n")
print("Young files (<= 1 week) | "+ str(nb_y/file_count) +"% (" + str(nb_v) + ")\n")
print("Old files (<= 30 days) | "+ str(nb_o/file_count) +"% (" + str(nb_o) + ")\n")
print("Very old files (> 30 days | "+ str(nb_vo/file_count) +"% (" + str(nb_vo) + ")\n")
How can I manage the if cascade to increment the right counter ?
You had the sides of the comparison swapped and the unneeded now -
was still there. Once those are fixed and the timedelta
converted to a duration of seconds for comparison:
if age <= timedelta(hours=24).total_seconds():
nb_vy += 1
elif age <= timedelta(days=7).total_seconds():
nb_y += 1
elif age <= timedelta(days=30).total_seconds():
nb_o += 1
nb_vo += 1
You should be using age < max_age_for_group
as the condition. age
is already now - mtime
. age
is in seconds.
Also except Exception: pass
will harm debugging. If you must have it at least use:
except Exception:
This will eat the exception but still print it. And then you can turn the printing off by changing the level on the root logger.