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Wpf Replace Text into RichTextBox

I work in WPF C#, i want to replace text into RichtextBox i load my rtf File who contain picture it's work fine.

If i use this :

    ReposLettresFusion m_ReposLettresFusion = new ReposLettresFusion();
    TextRange range = new TextRange(rtb.Document.ContentStart, rtb.Document.ContentEnd); 
    FileStream fStream = new FileStream(@pPath, FileMode.Create);

    range.Text = m_ReposLettresFusion.Fusion(pPkGuidLettre, range.Text);
    range.Save(fStream, DataFormats.Rtf);

    m_ReposLettresFusion = null;
    range = null;

It's change my text but i loose my picture and fonts all my formatting.

How i can replace text and keep all formatting of the Rtf

Thank you


  • Try this :

    public void Fusion(ref Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.RichTextBox pRichTextControl)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in LettreFusion)
                    string keyword = entry.Key;
                    string newString = entry.Value;
                    TextRange text = new TextRange(pRichTextControl.Document.ContentStart, pRichTextControl.Document.ContentEnd);
                    TextPointer current = text.Start.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                    while (current != null)
                        string textInRun = current.GetTextInRun(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textInRun))
                            int index = textInRun.IndexOf(keyword);
                            if (index != -1)
                                TextPointer selectionStart = current.GetPositionAtOffset(index, LogicalDirection.Forward);
                                TextPointer selectionEnd = selectionStart.GetPositionAtOffset(keyword.Length, LogicalDirection.Forward);
                                TextRange selection = new TextRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
                                selection.Text = newString;
                                pRichTextControl.Selection.Select(selection.Start, selection.End);
                        current = current.GetNextContextPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);