I have a holoviews dataset where the name of one of the key dimensions have a space and parenthesis in it. How can I do the equivalent of ds.select(dimension_name=dimension_value)
for this dimension? Please see example below.
import pandas as pd
import holoviews as hv
hv.extension('bokeh', logo=False)
data = {
'a (a)': [1, 1, 2, 2],
'b': [1, 2, 3, 4],
df_ = pd.DataFrame(data=data)
ds_ = hv.Dataset(df_, kdims=['a (a)'], vdims=['b'])
ds_.select(WHAT DO I PUT HERE=1)['b'] # <-- What to do?
Normally you would just select like this:
But since this column name is an illegal python variable name, you have to pass a dictionary that will be unpacked by using double stars:
ds_.select(**{'a (a)': 1})
Slicing with this illegal variable name can also be done using a dictionary:
ds_.select(**{'a (a)': (1, 2.5)})
Or, alternatively, if you don't mind changing your dataset:
You could rename your column, replace the space and parentheses etc. in your pandas dataframe. Or do the selection on the pandas dataframe: df_[df_['a (a)'] == 1]
Your similar question on discourse.holoviz.org resulted in the correct answer, which also made me learn again :)
More info on selecting data in holoviews: