Search code examples

Select Multiple rows in single column separated by New Line

I have a table with values look like this.

    Id Name Fruit
    1 Jon  Apple
    2 Jon  Orange
    3 Jon  Grape
    4 Mike Apple
    5 Mike Orange

How to distinct the column into something like this in mysql?

    Name Fruit
    Jon  Apple
    Mike Apple


  • This should do

    SELECT name, GROUP_CONCAT(fruit SEPARATOR '\n') FROM your_table GROUP BY name

    Demo in db<>fiddle

    Update to add numbering:

    SELECT name ,
           GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT (rn,')',fruit) SEPARATOR '\n')
    FROM (
        SELECT * 
            ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY name) AS rn
        FROM your_table
        ) SQ
    GROUP BY name

    Demo with numbering in db<>fiddle