Because I had installed the Avira in my computer, once I run my go file in GoLand, Avira will prompt me a security alert that "BLOCK HEUR/APC(could) ........."
Meanwhile, GoLand also shows that
Error running 'go build test.go': Cannot run program "C:\Users\Simon\AppData\Local\Temp___2go_build_test_go.exe" (in directory "E:\Application software\GO\awesomeProject"): CreateProcess error=5, ACCESS DENIED.
I want to know how can I change the default output path (i.e., build -o "path") to another path; after all, I don't want to close the realtime protection of Avira in each time, and ‘C’ disk is also a sensitive area. Should I configure the settings of the GO source or just change some settings in GoLand? B.T.W, unless necessary, I don't want to change the settings of Avira :)
Thanks in advance, I am a beginner of Go language.
You can edit the run configuration via Run | Edit Configurations...
and set the Output directory
to whatever location you'd like to, see the screenshot below.
If you wish to set this for all new run configurations of the project, then go to Run | Edit Configurations... | Templates | Go Build
and then configure the Output directory
setting there. All new Go Build
configurations will then use that setting.