We are trying to grant read/write access to many folders in our Azure data Lake gen 2 containers and although we can do this through the UI, it's quite tedious and has to be repeated for all environments. Has anyone used a better way using Powershell to automate or at least parameterize this process of granted access to Azure Data Lake gen 2 containers and avoid granting access manually?
Unfortunately I couldn't get this to work using the following link or other documentation as it's for Gen 1 but it's very similar to what I need to do for gen 2. https://www.sqlchick.com/entries/2018/3/17/assigning-data-permissions-for-azure-data-lake-store-part-3
According to my test, we can use the PowerShell to manage Azure Data Lake Gen2 permissions. For more details, please refer to the document
install-Module PowerShellGet –Repository PSGallery –Force
install-Module Az.Storage -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion 1.9.1-preview –AllowPrerelease –AllowClobber –Force
Besides, please note that if you want to install the module, you need to meet some conditions
- .NET Framework is
or greater installed- PowerShell is
or higher
$account= Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $groupName -Name $accountName
$ctx = $account.Context
$filesystemName = "test"
$Id = "<the Object ID of user, group or service principal>"
$dir=Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname
$acl = New-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject -AccessControlType user -EntityId $id -Permission "rw-" -InputObject $dir.ACL
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname -Acl $acl
$dir=Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item -Context $ctx -FileSystem $filesystemName -Path $dirname