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Assigning values to enumerated types

enum options {Yes,No};

class A{
    int i;
    string str;
    options opt;

int main{
    A obj;
    obj.opt="Yes"; // compiler error

How can assign const char * to opt?


  • Just do


    This code:


    attempts to assign a string literal (a completely different type) to an enum type, which C++ doesn't automagically convert for you.

    How can assign const char * to opt?

    You'll have to do this manually, I like to keep a set of free functions around for doing conversions like this with my enums, ie I'll wrap my enums in a namespace and provide some functions for working with them:

    namespace options
       enum Enum {Yes,No,Invalid};
       Enum FromString(const std::string& str);
       // might also add ToString, ToInt, FromInt to help with conversions
    Enum  FromString(const std::string& str)
        if (str == "Yes")
            return Yes        
        else if (str == "No")
            return No;
        return Invalid; //optionally throw exception

    Now you can do:

     class A{
       int i;
       string str;
       options::Enum opt; // notice change here

    So you can see, enums in C++ probably don't give you all the bells and whistles of enums in other languages. You'll have to manually convert things yourself.