I'm having an issue where X509
certificate expiration timestamp logged from the console does not match it's actual timestamp from KeyStore explorer.
It is not formatting correctly with the Angular2+ built-in formatDate()
function; an error is thrown. The timestamp is valid if the certificate is opened via KeyStore Explorer. Due to that, I think I have to program a custom date formatter myself.
X509 logged-from-console timestamp:
X509 logged-from-console timestamp
X509 KeystoreExplorer timestamp:
X509 KeystoreExplorer timestamp
How do you make sense of the day and time (12-347 vs 12/13; T19:08 vs 11:08AM)? Is there some special convention for X509 certificate times?
The error was on the Java-side. When propogating the date to the angular app, I was using DD
instead of dd
for the JSON formatting. DD
returns the day of the year, instead of day of the month (dd).
Change made:
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.sssZ")