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Context decorator that works with and without arguments

I would like to combine a context decorator with the possiblity to work with or without arguments.

Lets start with a decorator that works both with and without arguments, for example:

import functools

def decorator(func=None, *, label=""):
    if func is None:
        return functools.partial(decorator, label=label)

    def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(f"RESULT {label}: {result}")
        return result

    return wrap

if __name__ == "__main__":

    @decorator(label="with arguments")
    def dec_args():
        return 1

    def dec_no_args():
        return 0


And there is the ContextDecorator which can be used as a contextmanager or a decorator:

from contextlib import ContextDecorator

class ctxtdec(ContextDecorator):
    def __init__(self, label:str=""):
        self.label = label
        print(f"initialized {self.label}")

    def __enter__(self):
        print(f"entered {self.label}")

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        print(f"exited {self.label}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    def testfunc():
        for n in range(10 ** 7):
            n ** 0.5

    def decorated():

    with ctxtdec("square rooting"):

But I would also like this to work as well:

    def decorated():


  • Caveat: It's not pretty, and I would never actually use this, but I was curious so I made it work. Might be someone can clean it up a bit more too.

    The trick is to also make the metaclass of your context decorator a ContextDecorator itself, and then override the __call__ method to check whether it's being passed a label (normal situation) or a function (paren-less situation).

    from contextlib import ContextDecorator
    class CtxMeta(type, ContextDecorator):
        def __enter__(self):
            print(f"entered <meta-with>")
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
            print(f"exited <meta-with>")
        def __call__(cls, func_or_label=None, *args, **kwds):
            if callable(func_or_label):
                return type.__call__(cls, "<meta-deco>", *args, **kwds)(func_or_label)
            return type.__call__(cls, func_or_label, *args, **kwds)

    Then, your original decorator class stays the same as before, but with the addition of a metaclass declaration:

    class ctxtdec(ContextDecorator, metaclass=CtxMeta):
        def __init__(self, label:str=""):
            self.label = label
            print(f"initialized {self.label}")
        def __enter__(self):
            print(f"entered {self.label}")
        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
            print(f"exited {self.label}")

    And now we can test it both ways (as a decorator or a context-manager):

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        def testfunc():
            for n in range(10 ** 7):
                n ** 0.5
        def decorated():
        with ctxtdec("square rooting"):
        def deco2():
        with ctxtdec:

    And the output:

    initialized decorated
    entered decorated
    exited decorated
    initialized square rooting
    entered square rooting
    exited square rooting
    initialized <meta-deco>
    entered <meta-deco>
    exited <meta-deco>
    entered <meta-with>
    exited <meta-with>