I've implemented a subclass of NSURLProtocol. I need it to mock URL responses for a unit test. I've registered my class in the setUp method of the unit test.
- (void)setUp
[NSURLProtocol registerClass:[RDMockResponseURLProtocol class]];
[DSMockResponseURLProtocol.mockResponses setObject:[self bigFileResponse]
forKey:[self bigFileURL]];
I've overridden the class method canInitWithRequest: of NSURLProtocol and its other methods required to be overridden.
@implementation DSMockResponseURLProtocol
+ (BOOL)canInitWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request {
return [DSMockResponseURLProtocol.mockResponses.allKeys containsObject:request.URL];
Unfortunately canInitWithRequest: isn't being invoked.
I use NSURLSession configured to continue tasks in the background mode. Isn't it causing the issue?
sessionConfiguration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:identifier];
Please share with me any ideas you have! Thanks in advance [Bow]
It seems like I have found the answer in the documentation.
You cannot use custom URLProtocol subclasses in conjunction with background sessions.