I have database connection setup with Entity Framework. I've created multiple stored procedures and one of them has an output parameter that I need in my application.
Procedure in c# :
public virtual ObjectResult<Nullable<System.Guid>> AjouterProfesseur(string prenom, string nom, ObjectParameter identity)
var prenomParameter = prenom != null ?
new ObjectParameter("prenom", prenom) :
new ObjectParameter("prenom", typeof(string));
var nomParameter = nom != null ?
new ObjectParameter("nom", nom) :
new ObjectParameter("nom", typeof(string));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<Nullable<System.Guid>>("AjouterProfesseur", prenomParameter, nomParameter, identity);
To retrieve the output parameter I use following (this is also where I have to put my breakpoint and step over it for it to work):
public static Guid AddProfesseur(string prenom, string nom)
using (ExamenProjetIntegrationEntities db = new ExamenProjetIntegrationEntities())
ObjectParameter objParam = new ObjectParameter("identity", typeof(Guid));
var resultToReturn = db.AjouterProfesseur(prenom, nom, objParam);
return Guid.Parse(objParam.Value.ToString());
Then I have a business layer who calls that method again :
public static Guid addProfesseur(string prenom, string nom)
var data = Data.AddProfesseur(prenom, nom);
return data;
catch (Exception e)
var sqlex = e.InnerException as SqlException;
if (sqlex != null)
switch (sqlex.Number)
throw new Exception(sqlex.Number + " - " + sqlex.Message);
throw e;
And finally in my API controller I'm using following statement :
var idProfesseur = BL.addProfesseur(professeur.prenom, professeur.nom);
I call the method with ajax in my ASP.NET MVC view.
Does anyone has any idea why this is and how I can solve this issue?
Following link is exactly what I'm doing : Executing SQL Stored Procedure with Output Parameter from Entity Framework .But my problem is the fact that I need to step through it for it to work
Output parameters are not available until the return result has been read completely, or the underlying DbDataReader is closed.
See the Parameters
section of ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction, and the second sentence of this section on DataReaders
You can force this by evaluating the result with LINQ.
public static Guid AddProfesseur(string prenom, string nom)
using (ExamenProjetIntegrationEntities db = new ExamenProjetIntegrationEntities())
ObjectParameter objParam = new ObjectParameter("identity", typeof(Guid));
var resultToReturn = db.AjouterProfesseur(prenom, nom, objParam).Count();
return Guid.Parse(objParam.Value.ToString());
You could also use .ToList()
, .FirstOrDefault()
, or whatever method you prefer to read the underlying result.