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Subtotal depending on multiple columns in r

Here is a test table:

df <- read.table(text="
           str1 str2    name    t   y   x
             a  yes bas 23  323 21
             b  no  aasd    23  54  33
             a  no  asd 2   43  23
             b  yes hggf    43  123 55
             b  no  jgd 1   12  11
             b  yes qw  32  12  12
             a  yes rrrr    45  22  32
             a  no  ggg 121 11  43
             header = TRUE)

enter image description here

With help here we can get such subtotals

df<-df %>% 
  split(.[,"str1"]) %>% ## splits each change in cyl into a list of dataframes 
  map_df(., janitor::adorn_totals)

enter image description here

But my question is how to get also sub totals inside each group of column str1 depending on group inside of str2. It's needed a dataframe like this:

enter image description here

Would appreciate any help

P.S it is vital x column to be in descending order in each group


  • We can do the split by two columns and then change the name of the 'Total' based on the values in 'str1', 'str2'

    df %>% 
       group_split(str1, str2) %>% 
       map_dfr(~ .x %>% 
            janitor::adorn_totals(.) %>% 
            mutate(str1 = replace(str1, n(), str_c(str1[n()], "_", 
               first(str1), "_", first(str2)))))