Here is a test table:
df <- read.table(text="
str1 str2 name t y x
a yes bas 23 323 21
b no aasd 23 54 33
a no asd 2 43 23
b yes hggf 43 123 55
b no jgd 1 12 11
b yes qw 32 12 12
a yes rrrr 45 22 32
a no ggg 121 11 43
header = TRUE)
With help here we can get such subtotals
df<-df %>%
split(.[,"str1"]) %>% ## splits each change in cyl into a list of dataframes
map_df(., janitor::adorn_totals)
But my question is how to get also sub totals inside each group of column str1
depending on group inside of str2
. It's needed a dataframe like this:
Would appreciate any help
P.S it is vital x
column to be in descending order in each group
We can do the split by two columns and then change the name of the 'Total' based on the values in 'str1', 'str2'
df %>%
group_split(str1, str2) %>%
map_dfr(~ .x %>%
janitor::adorn_totals(.) %>%
mutate(str1 = replace(str1, n(), str_c(str1[n()], "_",
first(str1), "_", first(str2)))))