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Simulation with RK4, update ODE variable as the simulation goes

Problem :

I’m currently making a python app that simulates a set of coupled ordinary differentials equations that depends on a variable, let’s call it « X ».

As for now, I’m basically simulating this set of ODE with RK4 for given time then I’m plotting the graph on an animated plot with « matplotlib animation » embedded in tkinter.

The fact is that I would like to be able to modify « X » as the equations are resolved so that the simulation can change as we modify this variable.

Context :

The solution changes from that time on. To put things in context, these are the equations for the xenon and iodine abundance as well as neutrons flow in a nuclear reactor. The variable that change is "big sigma_b" that governs the control bars.


xenon and iodine abundance ODE : xenon and iodine abundance ODEe

neutrons flow ODE :
neutrons flow ODE

Summary :

To summarize, « X » belongs to the range [1.0, 2.0], let’s say we want to run 400 hours of simulations :

  • We launch the simulation of ODE
  • We update the animated plot every second (which is equal to 1 hour of simulation on the graph)
  • We modify « X » with the help of a slider for instance (in fact "X" is not directly modified, there is a dynamic process that progressively move the initial "X" value toward its chosen value).
  • The RK4 algorithm take that into account
  • We can see that change on the updated graph
  • etc…
  • When the simulation is finished, we stop the plot updating

Hopefully, it’s clear enough. How could I do that ?


  • Translating the ideas of the comments into a mockup gives some code to experiment with

    enter image description here

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
    import matplotlib.animation as anim
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    # model is dampened oscillation with control variable u 
    # representing the equilibrium position
    # x'' + 0.4*x + x == u
    def model(x,u): return np.array([x[1], u - 0.4*x[1] - x[0]])
    # integrate over about 10 periods
    t = np.linspace(0, 12*np.pi,  N+1)              # time
    # arrays to hold the computed values
    X = np.zeros([N+1,2])
    U = np.zeros([N+1])
    # initial values
    X[0] = [3, 2]          
    U[0] = 2;
    # initialize plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25)
    # initialize graphs
    l1, = plt.plot(t[0], X[0,0], '-+b', ms=2 )
    l2, = plt.plot(t[0], U[0], '-or', ms=2, lw=1 )
    plt.xlim(t[0], t[-1]); plt.ylim(-1,3)
    # construct slider
    axcolor = 'black'
    ax_U = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor)
    sU = Slider(ax_U, 'U', 1.0, 2.0, valinit=U[0])
    def animate(i):
        # read the slider value
        U[i] = sU.val
        # integrate over the sub-interval
        X[i] = odeint(lambda x,t: model(x,U[i]), X[i-1], [t[i-1],t[i]], atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-8)[-1];
        # set the data to plot
        return l1,l2
    # start the animation, one should set the parameter to keep it from repeating
    anim = anim.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames = range(1,N+1), blit=True, interval = 100 )