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Regular Expression C# Random Letter from specific List of Letters

I want the string (length 8) format to be one letter from a specific letter list A, B, C (neither of these letters should be repeated) the letters have a random position and the rest are numbers (0-9). For example:

1234A567  - Valid
277897C0  - Valid
A100299B  - Not valid
12C3879C  - Not valid

I tried something like this: (\d){7}(A|C|E|F|G|H|J|K|M|U|Z){1} but this does not work. Help?


  • The current regular expression you have will only match a string with 7 digits and one letter at the end - however you want the letter to be at any random place in the string - so you have to do something different.

    Here's a regular expression that will validate everything you need except the total length of the string (but that can be simply tested using str.Length == 8):


    Here's a simple demo:

    var re = new Regex(@"^\d{0,7}[A|C|E|F|G|H|J|K|M|U|Z]{1}\d{0,7}$");
    var strings = new string[] {
        "1234A567", // - Valid
        "277897C0", // - Valid
        "A100299B", // - Not valid
        "12C3879C" // - Not valid
    foreach(var str in strings)
        Console.WriteLine(str + (str.Length == 8 && re.IsMatch(str) ? " - valid" : " - not valid"));    


    1234A567 - valid
    277897C0 - valid
    A100299B - not valid
    12C3879C - not valid