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GSAP Animations not loading in production

I am working on a personal portfolio with Gatsby and GSAP for animation. It works in development but not in production. I have check and read most solutions but seems to not work and they're all old. I am using React Hooks as well.

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"
import { TweenMax, Power3, TimelineLite } from "gsap"
import Img from "gatsby-image"

const Projects = ({ title, text, img, link, linkText }) => {
  let app = useRef(null)
  let image = useRef(null)
  let contents = useRef(null)

  let tl = new TimelineLite({ delay: 0.8 })

  useEffect(() => {
    //For Header, 0, {
      css: { visibility: "visible" },

    tl.from(image, 1.2, { y: 20, ease: Power3.easeOut }, "Start").from(
        scale: 1.6,
        ease: Power3.easeOut,

    //Contents Animation
    const headlineFirst = contents.children[0]
    const headlineSecond = headlineFirst.nextSibling
    const headlineThird = headlineSecond.nextSibling

      [headlineFirst, headlineSecond, headlineThird],
        y: 50,
        opacity: 0,
        ease: Power3.easeOut,
        delay: 0.8,
  }, [tl])

  return (
      ref={el => (app = el)}
      className="flex flex-wrap my-16 lg:my-20 px-4 lg:px-0"
      <div className="w-full lg:w-3/5">
        <div ref={el => (image = el)} className="image-hover">
          <Img fluid={img} />

      <div className="w-full lg:w-2/5 lg:pl-10 mt-4 lg:mt-0">
        <div className="h-full flex justify-center items-center">
          <div ref={el => (contents = el)}>
            <h3 className="text-3xl">{title}</h3>
            <p className="text-lg">{text}</p>
            <a className="project-link text-base lg:text-lg" href={link}>
              Visit {linkText}

export default Projects

I hope someone can help me, this has to go live today. Thank you in advance.


  • Found the solution. In the case anyone is having the same issue. This is the solution and it worked for me.

    import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
    import gsap from "gsap"
    import Img from "gatsby-image"
    const Projects = ({ title, text, img, link, linkText }) => {
      let app = useRef(null)
      let image = useRef(null)
      let contents = useRef(null)
      const [tl] = useState(gsap.timeline({ delay: 0.8 }))
      useEffect(() => {
        //For Header, 0, {
          css: { visibility: "visible" },
        tl.from(image, 1.2, { y: 20, ease: "power3.easeOut" }, "Start").from(
            scale: 1.6,
            ease: "power3.easeOut",
        //Contents Animation
        const headlineFirst = contents.children[0]
        const headlineSecond = headlineFirst.nextSibling
        const headlineThird = headlineSecond.nextSibling
          [headlineFirst, headlineSecond, headlineThird],
            y: 50,
            opacity: 0,
            ease: Power3.easeOut,
            delay: 0.8,
      }, [tl])
      return (
          ref={el => (app = el)}
          className="flex flex-wrap my-16 lg:my-20 px-4 lg:px-0"
          <div className="w-full lg:w-3/5">
            <div ref={el => (image = el)} className="image-hover">
              <Img fluid={img} />
          <div className="w-full lg:w-2/5 lg:pl-10 mt-4 lg:mt-0">
            <div className="h-full flex justify-center items-center">
              <div ref={el => (contents = el)}>
                <h3 className="text-3xl">{title}</h3>
                <p className="text-lg">{text}</p>
                <a className="project-link text-base lg:text-lg" href={link}>
                  Visit {linkText}
    export default Projects

    I found out gsap 3 changed a whole lot. so i imported gsap from gsap and called it with useState, it worked in production