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Not allowed to load local resource -error on chrome, Angular app is not running after production build

I am having a problem with the deployment of an angular app. It does not occur on another machine if deployed. My app is not running and it shows the following error on Chrome:

Not allowed to load local resource

error showing in Chrome browser

and in Mozilla:

'src' attribute of element is not a valid URI

error showing in Mozilla browser

The thing is, it is working completely fine if deployed from other machines. So I am guessing the issue is with the versions of node or typescript or ng or whatsoever. I am new to server deployment and this kind of issue is new to me.

I am using following command to generate the deployment folder:

ng build --prod --base-href /candidate/

Following is my version details:

Node version: v10.16.3

Application typescirpt version: Version 2.9.2

Globally installed typescript version on the machine: Version 3.6.3

version details

I deleted node modules and package-lock.json file and run npm install before production build. I got no error and was successfully able to generate dist folder.

The deployment folder works perfectly if it is deployed from machines which have upgraded or downgraded node version installed.

I have found many suggestions regarding the error shown on the browser, tried upgrading the node global versions but there is no way around. I am quite unsure about what I am missing here. Any kind of heads up would be great in this situation.


  • After digging into deep I found out that the problem is not with the version rather with the base URL it is generating in index.html file after build.

    This issue occurs when using git-bash on Windows.

    The git-bash sees the last argument of the command- ng build --prod --base-href /candidate/ as a path relative to its binary folder and prepends the argument with that (it converts the "seems-to-be" relative path into an absolute path).

    So, I used PowerShell instead of Git-Bash and the issue was gone. The base-href parameter is handled fine there.

    To resolve the issue with git-bash go through this link, which actually helped me to resolved my particular issue.