I'm using cloud build service for Continuous Integration and able to create bitbucket mirror in google cloud source repository but, I want to mirror all bitbucket repos to cloud source repository. I dont want to create manually all the time.
I saw [Rest API to Create mirror repos][1] this. but no idea how to do it.
below is body I have to pass to create mirror repos. please help me.
"name": "",
"size": 0,
"url": "",
"mirrorConfig": {
"deployKeyId": "",
"url": "",
"webhookId": ""
"pubsubConfigs": {}
[1]: https://cloud.google.com/source-repositories/docs/reference/rest/v1/projects.repos/create
Hey @SHASHIKUMARKL have expereminted your idea using the rest api using the endpoint /v1/projects.repos/create
, However, it won't work because the mirrorConfig properity is read only field. so you cannot change it to automate the process of mirroring between GCP and BitBucket. This endpoint /v1/projects.repos/create
is intended to create repos not to mirror them. The only way to mirror repos is one by one following this guide