In templates/
{% if env_value == 'Dev' %}
{% set x = {{hostvars['ces_dev']['ansible_host']}} %}
{% else %}
{% set x = {{hostvars['ces_demo']['ansible_host']}} %}
{% endif %}
'api_email_url': 'http://{{x}}:8080/api/users/mail',
In host inventory:
ces_dev ansible_ssh_private_key=<path> ansible_host=a.b.c.d
ces_demo ansible_ssh_private_key=<path> ansible_host=x.y.z.w
Expected output, if condition is met:
'api_email_url': 'http://a.b.c.d:8080/api/users/mail',
I am getting an error: "msg": "AnsibleError: template error while templating string: expected token 'colon', got '}'
How to resolve this and get the desired output?
I cracked the expected output myself, with several try-hit-error method. The solution is:
{% if env_value == 'Dev' %}
'api_email_url': 'http://{{hostvars['ces_dev']['ansible_host']}}:8080/api/users/mail',
'api_token_url': 'http://{{hostvars['ces_dev']['ansible_host']}}:8080/api/app/',
{% else %}
'api_email_url': 'http://{{hostvars['ces_demo']['ansible_host']}}:8080/api/users/mail',
'api_token_url': 'http://{{hostvars['ces_demo']['ansible_host']}}:8080/api/app/',
{% endif %}