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Dojo: There are something about 'class extend'?

I want to make a new widget javascript class [Label] it look like dijit.button. So I look at the source code of dijit Button and try to copycat it.

It start with declare and I use dijit.form._FormWidget as a superclass.

But when I run it on the web page it doesn't work, I debug with Firebug in Firefox and it return "this.containerNode is null"

I can't figure how to set containerNode parameter.

Can anyone answer me, what the problem does it cause it to happen?

P.S. I'm a bit new to javascript.


  • A simple dijit for your reference. The JavaScript:

    dojo.declare("com.example.Label", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
        templateString: dojo.cache("com.example", "templates/Label.html"),
        value : ""

    The HTML template:



    var label = new com.example.Label({value : "Hello"});