I am using reportlab to generate a pdf report automatically from dynamic data. As the content sometimes is too large to be displayed in portrait, I am trying to switch to landscape for large content.
Here is how my report generation works :
Main function :
doc = DocTemplate(...) //Doctemplate is a customed BaseDocTemplate class
array = []
some_data= "Here is some data displayed in portrait"
large_data = "this data is too large to be displayed in portrait"
... // Some more data is added after this
doc.build(array, canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas)
What I am looking for is a way to be able to switch from portrait to landscape at each step, as I don't know the number of pages that will be needed to display it. I am still new to reportlab and even a bit with python, so I do not see how I can use the solutions provided by reportlab (PageTemplates, flowables) properly as I am building the whole document at the end.
Here are my other useful classes for this case :
class DocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate, ):
def __init__(self, filename, **kw):
apply(BaseDocTemplate.__init__, (self, filename), kw)
f = Frame(2.6*cm, 2.8*cm, 16*cm, 22.7*cm, id='f')
pt = PageTemplate('RectPage', [f], onPage=beforeDrawPage, onPageEnd=afterDrawPage)
//beforeDrawPage and afterDrawPage fill the headers of the page (that also need to be in landscape)
I think I shall add another page template or frame, but I don't see how i can switch from one to the other during the data appending phase.
class NumberedCanvas(canvas.Canvas):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
canvas.Canvas.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._saved_page_states = []
def showPage(self):
def save(self):
"""add page info to each page (page x of y)"""
num_pages = len(self._saved_page_states)
for state in self._saved_page_states:
self._doc.SaveToFile(self._filename, self)
def draw_page_number(self, page_count):
self.setFont("Helvetica", 11)
self.drawRightString(18.5*cm, 26.8*cm,
"PAGE %d / %d" % (self._pageNumber, page_count))
I hope I did'nt forgot anything to be clear.
Many thanks in advance.
I finally figured out the best way to do it by myself :
I added a new PageTemplate in my DocTemplate with landscape settings, and then simply used NextPageTemplate from the reportlab.platypus package :
To get back in portrait, i use :
This allows a pretty nice flexibility.