When 'ansible_user' is mistakenly set to an MFA user, tqm hangs indefinitely.
I set a break point in 'task_queue_manager.py' here:
play_return = strategy.run(iterator, play_context)
But I can't find anything I can use to stop, end, or error out the process.
Below is sudo code representing a guess to how it could work.
timeout = 300
result = tqm.run(play)
if not result and timeout and tqm is not None:
Does anyone know of a solution directly using tqm or even a workaround like what I've eluded to above?
I found a way around this by using the func_timeout lib. wrapping the tqm.run in a try block and sending it into the timeout fcn worked for me.
exitstatus = func_timeout(self.tqm_timeout, tqm.run, args=(play,))
except FunctionTimedOut:
msg = "tqm.run could not complete within {} seconds and was terminated.".format(self.tqm_timeout)
raise Exception(msg)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('exception in tqm was {}'.format(e))