I have fetched a passage from a CSV data file in Jekyll via a markdown loop.
Now that I would like to display the lines as individual headings. Is there a way around
data = "this is the first line
this is the second line"
The above data variable when brought under markdown via code
#### {{data}}
What results is that the first line is brought under h4 and the second line is left out
<h4>this is the first line <br /></h4>
<p>this is the second line</p>
I would require the following though
<h4>this is the first line <br></h4>
<h4>this is the second line</h4>
Question Is there a workaround that brings individually split lines into distinct h4 tags.?
Is this what you want?
<h4>{{ data | newlines_to_br }}</h4>
It would result into:
<h4>this is the first line<br>this is the second line</h4>