I am using an Android Cilico F750 and the dedicated RFID reader is CF-RS103. The RFID tag type is MIFARE Ultralight type C.
When read with a dedicated card reader the id of tag is: 2054270212(10 digit).
But when read with Android phone the id is: 36139312876727556(17digit) and reversed id is: 1316602805183616 (16digit).
Does anyone know why this happens and if its possible to convert the 10digit id to 17digit id or vice versa.
I use intents to detect tag and to resolve intent I use this:
public void resolveIntent(Intent intent){
String action = intent.getAction();
Parcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES);
NdefMessage[] msgs;
msgs= new NdefMessage[rawMsgs.length];
for(int i=0; i<rawMsgs.length; i++)
msgs[i]=(NdefMessage) rawMsgs[i];
byte[] empty = new byte[0];
byte[] id = intent.getByteArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_ID);
Tag tag = (Tag) intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG);
byte[] payload = dumpTagData(tag).getBytes();
NdefRecord record = new NdefRecord(NdefRecord.TNF_UNKNOWN,empty,id,payload);
NdefMessage msg = new NdefMessage(new NdefRecord[]{record});
msgs= new NdefMessage[] {msg};
And this are my helper functions:
private void displayMsgs(NdefMessage[] msgs)
if(msgs==null || msgs.length==0) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
List<ParsedNdefRecord> records= NdefMessageParser.parse(msgs[0]);
final int size = records.size();
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
ParsedNdefRecord record = records.get(i);
String str = record.str();
private String dumpTagData(Tag tag) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
byte[] id = tag.getId();
sb.append("ID (hex): ").append(toHex(id)).append('\n');
sb.append("ID (reversed hex):").append(toReversedHex(id)).append('\n');
sb.append("ID (dec): ").append(toDec(id)).append('\n');
sb.append("ID (reversed dec):").append(toReversedDec(id)).append('\n');
String prefix = "android.nfc.tech.";
sb.append("Technologies: ");
for (String tech: tag.getTechList()) {
sb.append(", ");
sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length());
for (String tech: tag.getTechList()) {
if (tech.equals(MifareClassic.class.getName())) {
String type = "Unknown";
try {
MifareClassic mifareTag = MifareClassic.get(tag);
switch (mifareTag.getType()) {
case MifareClassic.TYPE_CLASSIC:
type = "Classic";
case MifareClassic.TYPE_PLUS:
type = "Plus";
case MifareClassic.TYPE_PRO:
type = "Pro";
sb.append("Mifare Classic type: ");
sb.append("Mifare size: ");
sb.append(mifareTag.getSize() + " bytes");
sb.append("Mifare sectors: ");
sb.append("Mifare blocks: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
sb.append("Mifare classic error: " + e.getMessage());
if (tech.equals(MifareUltralight.class.getName())) {
MifareUltralight mifareUlTag = MifareUltralight.get(tag);
String type = "Unknown";
switch (mifareUlTag.getType()) {
case MifareUltralight.TYPE_ULTRALIGHT:
type = "Ultralight";
case MifareUltralight.TYPE_ULTRALIGHT_C:
type = "Ultralight C";
sb.append("Mifare Ultralight type: ");
return sb.toString();
private String toHex(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int b = bytes[i] & 0xff;
if (b < 0x10)
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();
private String toReversedHex(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) {
sb.append(" ");
int b = bytes[i] & 0xff;
if (b < 0x10)
return sb.toString();
private long toDec(byte[] bytes) {
long result = 0;
long factor = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
long value = bytes[i] & 0xffl;
result += value * factor;
factor *= 256l;
return result;
private long toReversedDec(byte[] bytes) {
long result = 0;
long factor = 1;
for (int i = bytes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
long value = bytes[i] & 0xffl;
result += value * factor;
factor *= 256l;
return result;
EDIT: I managed to resolve this issue by truncating the 7-byte HEX ID to 4-bytes. And then formating the decimal ID if its total lenght is less than 10 digits with this statement that basically adds zeroes from left side if DEC ID is smaller than 10 digits:
String strFinal=String.format("%010d", Long.parseLong(str));
This document that describes how the ID is converted from HEX8 TO DEC10 helped me alot aswell: https://www.batag.com/download/rfidreader/LF/RAD-A200-R00-125kHz.8H10D.EM.V1.1.pdf
And a huge thanks to @Andrew and @Karam for helping me resolve this!
The card reader on the PC is configured wrong, it is configured by default to display the ID as 10 digit decimal number (4 byte) when the card has a 7 byte ID.
It thus has to loose some data, it is doing this by truncating the ID to the first 4
bytes of the 7 byte ID
Use the software on the PC change the output format to something suitable for the ID size on the Mifare Ultralight C cards (8 Hex?)
Use Mifare Classic cards instead as these had 4 byte ID
truncate the 7 byte ID to 4 bytes e.g. change bytes.length
to 4
(a hard coding to the first 4 bytes in the 7 byte ID) in your code and handle the fact that there is a very large number (around 16.7 million) of Mifare Ultralight C cards that will seem to have the same "ID" as you want to display it
This is because the spec's give by a seller on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chafon-CF-RS103-Multiple-Support-Compatible-Black/dp/B017VXVZ66 (I cannot find any details on the manufacturer's site)
It says "Default output 10 digit Dec, control output format through software. "
"Support with windows,linux and android system, but can only set output format in windows pcs.No programming and software required, just plug and play. "
The only sensible answer is move everything to use a 7 byte ID.