I have a Google spreadsheet in which I record my freelance jobs. I have it set up that each line calculates whether it is paid for. (Payments are pulled from a separate sheet.)
What I would like to do is to generate an invoice, where I would select the customer and I get a listing of all unpaid entries for that customer.
Using a arrayed filter function does the job, but I can't use that as an invoice because I need the total line underneath, and would prefer the table format matching the count of entries.
Is it possible to insert such information into a Google Doc as a table, or within Sheets, to push the lines following an array down?
I thought this would be a simple enough concept but I can't find anything that does the full deal.
You could try this script. I'm not sure if the final results is what you are looking for. In case it is not, it can be easily modified:
function onEdit(e) {
//If you change the Customer in the Invoice sheet, it runs the code
if (e.range.getA1Notation() == 'A1' && e.source.getSheetName() == 'Invoice'){
var sprsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var invoice = sprsheet.getSheetByName("Invoice");
var times = sprsheet.getSheetByName("Times");
var in_customer = invoice.getRange("A1").getValue(); //Name you selected in the dropdown menu
var data = times.getRange("A1:H").getValues(); //All the data from the Time sheet
var total = 0;
//Loops through all the data looking for unpaid subtotals from that customer
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
/*> "i" represents the row, the second number is the column
> The rows start at 0 since it is the first array position.
if (in_customer == data[i][2]) {
if (data[i][7] == 'N'){
total += Number(data[i][5]); //Accumulates each subtotal into total
invoice.appendRow([data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i][3], data[i][5]]);
invoice.appendRow(["Total: ","","", total]);
This results in (I changed some values to test it):
As you see I added some headers.