I do an R library with some Cpp functions, i do it using Rcpp.package.skeleton(). In the same Cpp file i have more functions. Is there a method to make the functions that i can't use invisible ?
For example i have :
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int a (int x){
return x+2;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int b(int y){
I want to make only "b" function visibile to call.
I use Rcpp skeleton to make my package, if i do R CMD check warning appear that tell me :
Undocumented code objects:'a'
Because i do the documentation only for function "b".
Is there a method to do this ? In RStudio when i write function preview of function that i write appears and i don't want it for function "a" but only for function "b"
If you are only going to use the C++ function within your C++ code, you don't need to use the first instance of the // [[Rcpp::export]]
line at all. That way you can still call a()
from within b()
in your C++ code, but only b
will be made available as a function in R.
If you want to be able to use a()
as an R function internally within your package, but want to hide it from end-users, you need to export it with a name that starts with a period, so instead of // [[Rcpp::export]]
, you would type // [[Rcpp::export(.a)]]
. Now you will be able to use .a()
as a function in your package's R code, but it will be hidden to end-users of your package.
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::export(.a)]]
int a (int x){
return x+2;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int b(int y){
z = a(y);
Now, in R you can do this:
> library(MatteosPackage)
> b(1)
[1] 3
Error in .a(1) : could not find function ".a"
> MatteosPackage::.a(1)
Error: '.a' is not an exported object from 'namespace:MatteosPackage'