I'm using smartins/passport-multiauth passport, in PostMan I Made a post request sending this data through the request; The idea is when the user submits an order, the token of that user will be passed through the request.. how can I get the user_id of that token so that I can store it in the Orders table?
"place_id": 2,
"token": "b715d124c04125acae2dda144021724b3266a361785f29883105c138d23ecdb0da1fd48de719039a",
"items": [
"id": 4,
"quantity": 5
"id": 5,
"quantity": 3
public function new_order(Request $request)
$token= auth('api')->user();
$order = Order::create([
$items = $request->input('items', []);
foreach ($items as $item)
'item_id'=>$item['id'] ,
'quantity'=>$item['quantity'] ,
return response()->json([
'status' => (bool)$order,
'order' => $order,
'message' => $order ? 'Your order has been sent !' : 'There is some error!'
//ToDo:notificaion to restaurant
You almost there... you should pass the id of the user in $token
like below:
$token = auth('api')->user()->id
'user_id' = auth('api')->user()->id;