How can I get polyline inside available screensize?
I'm using Flutter Goolge Map Plugin , Google Map Polyline Plugin
First of all polylines added are placed wrong. you can follow my answer to generate then correctlly :
And for your Question you should use CameraUpdate.newLatLngBounds()
just after placing the polylines.
Somewhat similiar to this
void animateCameraForOD() {
southwest: LatLng(
fromLocationLatLng.latitude <= toLocationLatLng.latitude
? fromLocationLatLng.latitude
: toLocationLatLng.latitude,
fromLocationLatLng.longitude <= toLocationLatLng.longitude
? fromLocationLatLng.longitude
: toLocationLatLng.longitude),
northeast: LatLng(
fromLocationLatLng.latitude <= toLocationLatLng.latitude
? toLocationLatLng.latitude
: fromLocationLatLng.latitude,
fromLocationLatLng.longitude <= toLocationLatLng.longitude
? toLocationLatLng.longitude
: fromLocationLatLng.longitude)),100),
It will make your both LatLngs to be zoomed out to be in the given bounds with padding also.