I am new to Yocto
, I built core-image-sato
for default machine (x86-qemu). I have below questions with adding recipe:
ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'systemd' (but /home/srawat/tree/yocto/yocto_x86/poky/meta/recipes-connectivity/bluez-alsa/bluez-alsa.bb DEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
systemd was skipped: missing required distro feature 'systemd' (not in DISTRO_FEATURES)
ERROR: Required build target 'bluez-alsa' has no buildable providers. Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['bluez-alsa', 'systemd']
What is the method to include "systemd" module now? Or
IOW in general, how to include dependent packages (talking about existing packages of layers.openembedded.org, no new packages) in image?
Further i have more existing packages to add, will use the suggested method to add them.
advance thanks
Its best to include the layer which provides the recipe, this might help in bringing in needed direct and indirect dependencies as well as you also saw the missing dependency problem, however there is another side of the story, where the source layer might have further dependencies on other layers which might be too much of an ask for what one needs for adding a single recipe.
so in your case cherry-picking recipe seems to be a better approach since the source layer has quite a few deps plus this given recipe only has dependencies on core layer.
however the problem you have is that your distro policies do not use systemd but this recipe assumes systemd is enabled. so you have two ways
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " systemd"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_init_manager = "systemd"
VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_initscripts = ""
DEPENDS += "alsa-lib bluez5 systemd glib-2.0 sbc"
DEPENDS += "alsa-lib bluez5 glib-2.0 sbc"
but this means you wont have stubs to enable/distable/start/stop launching services from this package. Which is provided for systemd by the recipe file from the layer which you will get out of box when using systemd for init system see
you might have to write your own init script to launch it if that is needed for your project