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Subtracting columns in a dataframe (or matrix)

I am trying to do less in Excel and more in R, but get stuck on a simple calculation. I have a dataframe with meter readings over a number of weeks. I need to calculate the consumption in each week, i.e. subtracting a column from the previous column. For instance, in the example below I need to subtract Reading1 from Reading2 and Reading2 from Reading3. My actual data set contains hundreds of readings, so I need to find an easy way to do this.

SerialNo = c(1,2,3,4,5)
Reading1 = c(100, 102, 119, 99, 200)
Reading2 = c(102, 105, 120, 115, 207)
Reading3 = c(107, 109, 129, 118, 209)
df <- data.frame(SerialNo, Reading1, Reading2, Reading3)
  SerialNo Reading1 Reading2 Reading3
1      1        100      102      107
2      2        102      105      109
3      3        119      120      129
4      4         99      115      118
5      5        200      207      209


  • Here's a tidyverse solution that returns a data frame with similar formatting. It converts the data to long format (pivot_longer), applies the lag function, does the subtraction and then widens back to the original format (pivot_wider).

    df %>%
                   names_to = "reading",
                   names_prefix = "Reading",
                   values_to = "value") %>%
      group_by(SerialNo) %>%
      mutate(offset = lag(value, 1),
             measure = value - offset) %>%
      select(SerialNo, reading, measure) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = reading,
                  values_from = measure,
                  names_prefix = "Reading")
    # A tibble: 5 x 4
    # Groups:   SerialNo [5]
      SerialNo Reading1 Reading2 Reading3
         <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
    1        1       NA        2        5
    2        2       NA        3        4
    3        3       NA        1        9
    4        4       NA       16        3
    5        5       NA        7        2