How do I create a circular, clear, icon-only button outside of ion-buttons? I want to have a button with the style you get, when you use and icon-only button inside ion-buttons
(e.g. clear and circular).
My code so far:
<ion-button icon-only shape="round" color="white" fill="clear">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="close"></ion-icon>
The resulting button isn't circular though, it's just a rectangular button with rounded corners.
The ionic 4 documentation doesn't mention how to do it.
The FabButton will work... but here is how i did it in an reactjs app using ionic components, just use the angular versions and you should get the same results
<IonButtons slot="end">
backgroundColor: "red",
borderRadius: "100%",
color: "white",
width: 32
<IonIcon icon={close}></IonIcon>
This is some text that is the content of the card with the close
button below