I have a ListRelation called PLOCs of type:
lrel[loc, int] PLOCs = [<a, calcPLOC(a)> | a <- files];
where files is a set of locations, and calcPLOC calculates an integer based on that location.
Now I want the sum of all the calculated integers. I used 3 different ways to calculate this, and got 2 different answers:
total = 0;
for (<a, b> <- PLOCs) {
total += b;
println("total PLOC: <total>"); // returns 23805
total = sum(range(PLOCs));
println("total PLOC: <total>"); // returns 21313
total = (0 | it + b | <a, b> <- PLOCs);
println("total PLOC: <total>"); // returns 23805
Why does the second method return a different result?
The range function from ListRelation "squeezes" out duplicate entries, but keeps their order.