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Encoding a choice of monad transformers

> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DerivingVia, DerivingStrategies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, KindSignatures, NoMonomorphismRestriction, RecordWildCards #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, QuantifiedConstraints, RankNTypes #-}
> import Control.Monad.Identity
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
> import Control.Monad.Trans.State
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
> import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
> import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime)
> import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time

Sometimes it can be desirable to intercept or change the behaviour of a monadic effect dynamically. To make things concrete, let's assume an effect that allows to declare cost centers:

> class Monad m => MonadCostCenter m where
>   registerCostCenter :: Name -> m a -> m a

One possible implementation generates log lines for every start/complete event of a cost center:

> newtype ViaLogging m a = ViaLogging {runViaLogging :: m a}
>   deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO) via (IdentityT m)
>   deriving MonadTrans via IdentityT

> instance MonadLog m => MonadCostCenter (ViaLogging m) where
>   registerCostCenter name action = do
>     ViaLogging $ logMsg ("Starting cost center " <> name)
>     res <- action
>     ViaLogging $ logMsg ("Completed cost center" <> name)
>     return res

Another possibility is to collect all the timings in a data structure for processing later:

> data Timing = Timing {name :: String, duration :: NominalDiffTime}

> newtype CollectTimingsT m a = CollectTimingsT (StateT [Timing] m a)
>   deriving newtype (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans, MonadTransControl)

> runCollectTimings :: Monad m => ([Timing] -> m ()) -> CollectTimingsT m a -> m a
> runCollectTimings doSomethingWithTimings (CollectTimingsT action) = do
>   (res, timings) <- runStateT action []
>   doSomethingWithTimings timings
>   return res

> instance MonadTime m => MonadCostCenter (CollectTimingsT m) where
>   registerCostCenter name action = do
>     startTime <- CollectTimingsT $ lift getCurrentTime
>     res <- action
>     endTime <- CollectTimingsT $ lift getCurrentTime
>     let duration = diffUTCTime endTime startTime
>     CollectTimingsT $ modify (Timing{..} :)
>     return res

Assume our application is a web service and it doesn't care to collect timings unless explicitly required by the request being handled. Our code will look like:

> type HandlerMonad = WebT (CostCenterT (LogT (TimeT IO)))
> runHandler :: HandlerMonad a -> IO a
> runHandler = undefined

But what is the type CostCenterT? Didn't we say that it depends on the request? Well yes, we want to handle cost centers differently depending on the request, but the Haskell type system requires that the type of the carrier HandlerMonad is fixed. This choice can be encoded explicitly using an Either based carrier:

> type HandlerMonad' = WebT (EitherT ViaLogging CollectTimingsT (LogT (TimeT IO)))
> newtype EitherT t1 t2 (m :: * -> *) a = EitherT {runEitherT :: Either (t1 m a) (t2 m a)}

The rest of EitherT boilerplate (instances, run function) are not pretty and left as an exercise for the reader. Is there a better way?

Effect interpreters

The problem described above does not apply to some effect systems like polysemy, where there is no explicit carrier. Effect systems with explicit carriers like fused-effects and transformers can work around this by defining an Interpreter transformer. Indeed, fused-effects includes the monad transfomer Control.Effect.Interpret.InterpretC s sig which can be used to intercept an effect sig implemented by the underlying monad m.

We can define a similar abstraction for vanilla transformers as follows:

> newtype InterpretT c m a = InterpretT (ReaderT (Interpreter c m) m a)
>   deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)
> instance MonadTrans (InterpretT c) where
>   lift = InterpretT . lift
> data Interpreter c (m :: * -> *) where
>   Interpreter :: c (t m) => (forall a . t m a -> m a) -> Interpreter c m
> runInterpretT :: Interpreter c m -> InterpretT c m a -> m a
> runInterpretT run (InterpretT action) = runReaderT action run
> wrapEffect :: Monad m => (forall m . c m => m a) -> InterpretT c m a
> wrapEffect action = InterpretT $ do
>   Interpreter run <- ask
>   lift (run action)

Now we can define HandlerMonad and runHandler as follows:

> type HandlerMonad'' = InterpretT MonadCostCenter (WebT (LogT (TimeT IO)))
> runHandler'' = runTimeT
>              . runLogT
>              . runWebT
>              . runInterpretT (if True then Interpreter runViaLogging else Interpreter (runCollectTimings sendTimings))

Dynamic effect interpreters

The solution above works well for simple dynamism, but sometimes we want to change or extend the interpreter within the computation. Something like:

> localInterpreter :: (Interpreter c m -> Interpreter c m) -> InterpretT c m a -> InterpretT c m a
> localInterpreter f (InterpretT action) = InterpretT $ local f action

This is almost useful, except that there is no practical way to delegate to the previous interpreter. It allows overwrite only:

> switchToCollectTimings :: ([Timing -> m ()]) -> HandlerMonad'' a -> HandlerMonad'' a
> switchToCollectTimings doTimings = localInterpreter (const $ Interpreter $ runCollectTimings sendTimings)

In order to enable delegation, we have to resort to another monad transformer:

> newtype Both (t1 :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) t2 (m :: * -> *) a = Both {runBoth :: t1 (t2 m) a}
>   deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)

> instance (forall m . Monad m => Monad (t2 m), MonadTrans t2, MonadTrans t1) => MonadTrans (Both t1 t2) where
>   lift = Both . lift . lift

> instance (forall n. Monad n =>
>          (MonadCostCenter (t1 n)
>          ,MonadCostCenter (t2 n)
>          ,Monad (t1 n)
>          ,Monad (t2 n))
>          ,MonadTransControl t1
>          ,Monad m
>          ) => MonadCostCenter (Both t1 t2 m) where
>   registerCostCenter name (Both action) = Both
>     $ registerCostCenter name
>     $ liftWith (\runInT2 -> registerCostCenter name (runInT2 action)) >>= restoreT . return

Now we can almost write the function below:

> class (MonadTime m, MonadCostCenter m) => MonadCostCenterTime m
> instance (MonadTime m, MonadCostCenter m) => MonadCostCenterTime m

> type HandlerMonad''' = InterpretT MonadCostCenterTime (WebT (LogT (TimeT IO)))

> addTimingsCollection :: (forall m . MonadTime m => [Timing] -> m ()) -> HandlerMonad''' a -> HandlerMonad''' a
> addTimingsCollection doTimings = localInterpreter $ \(Interpreter delegate) ->
>    Interpreter (delegate . runCollectTimings doTimings . runBoth)

However it fails with the type error below, where the instance MonadCostCenter CollectTimingsT pulls in a MonadTime constraint, and GHC demands evidence that the delegate interpreter provides it. We know that it does, since it satisfies MonadCostCenterTime which includes MonadTime, but for some reason the type checked doesn't accept this.

    * Could not deduce (MonadIO n) arising from a use of `Interpreter'
      from the context: MonadCostCenterTime (t (WebT (LogT (TimeT IO))))
        bound by a pattern with constructor:
                   Interpreter :: forall (c :: (* -> *) -> Constraint) (t :: (* -> *)
                                                                             -> * -> *) (m :: *
                                                                                              -> *).
                                  c (t m) =>
                                  (forall a. t m a -> m a) -> Interpreter c m,
                 in a lambda abstraction
        at interpreter.lhs:161:57-76
      or from: Monad n
        bound by a quantified context at interpreter.lhs:1:1
      Possible fix:
        add (MonadIO n) to the context of a quantified context
    * In the expression:
        Interpreter (delegate . runCollectTimings doTimings . runBoth)
      In the second argument of `($)', namely
        `\ (Interpreter delegate)
           -> Interpreter (delegate . runCollectTimings doTimings . runBoth)'
      In the expression:
          $ \ (Interpreter delegate)
              -> Interpreter (delegate . runCollectTimings doTimings . runBoth)
162 | >    Interpreter (delegate . runCollectTimings doTimings . runBoth)
    |      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


  • If you simplify the superclass context on the instance MonadCostCenter (Both t1 t2 m) to the minimum needed:

    instance (MonadTransControl t1, MonadCostCenter (t2 m), MonadCostCenter (t1 (t2 m)))
             => MonadCostCenter (Both t1 t2 m) where
      registerCostCenter name (Both action) = ...

    it seems to type-check. Like @luqui, I'm lost in the types, so I can't see exactly why the original code doesn't work.